General | Accounting, Audit, Tax | Advertising | Economics | Finance | Insurance | Investing, Stock Exchange | Management | Marketing | Real Estate | Trade, Retailing | Transportation, Logistics | Web commerce | Misc. | Featured only |
This list is by no means comprehensive. I include only quality websites with big and/or focused glossaries.
1) ***** means "featured" or "one of the best". It does not mean "sponsored". To see a complete list of featured websites click here
2) Comments are subjective. Webmasters should not mind my criticism - if the site is listed here, it means that I recommend it!
NY Times Glossary of Financial and Business Terms *****
Free subscription is required. Over 2500 cross-referenced entries.
Washington Post Business Glossary *****
contains more than 1,250 business terms, organized and cross-referenced for your convenience. You can search the glossary for a particular word or search the full text of the glossary to find every reference to a word or phrase
Encyclopedia of the New Economy @
Economics of the world and its web
- Accounting Glossary *****
"The following is intended to provide some general guidance..." Terms are taken from "Financial Accounting" by K. Fred Skousen, W. Steve Albrecht, and James D. Stice. With acronym listing. Quick and plain site compiled by Utah CPAs.
- Auditing Terms
"The words defined in this glossary all appeared in questions on the CPA exam since 1993, so they are worth knowing if you are studying for the exam." Excellent collection of terms but no navigation means at all.
- Tax and Accounting Glossary
Medium sized merely accounting glossary of well-known (to accountants) terms. Obviously has the right to exist.
- A Dictionary of Terminology: Advertising *****
Department of advertising, the University of Texas at Austin. One huge page glossary with simplistic definitions.
- Advertising Glossary
Short listing of key advertising terms
- Advertising Glossary (*****
A more comprehensive glossary, though slower.Interreferenced entries.
- Amos WEB Economic Gloss*arama *****
Extensive, searchable + alphabetical listing.
- Economics Glossary (
Advanced search options + expanded notes, cross-referenced. Detailed definitions
- Virtual Economic Glossary ( ) *****
More detailed glossary (with diagrams etc.), but without a search box.
- Barkley's comprehensive Financial Glossary
E-version of a paper glossary.Very simple clear frame design. Cross-referenced entries.
- BBG Financial and Legal Dictionary
Baltic Bank Group. One of the biggest. Really quick site.
- Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary *****
7 200 entries, 18 000 hyperlinks.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago - Glossary of Banking Terms
Small (one page), but authoritative.
- Finance-Glossary ( *****
Over 2 000 terms with full descriptions, cross-referenced, keyword searchable, with links to related videos, graphics, books, events, courses and conferences. Absolutely the best in this category.
- Finance Glossary *****
Campbell R.Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary, over 7 200 entries. Cross referenced.
- Futures and Options *****
Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology from. In several languages. English version is here
- NY Times Glossary of Financial and Business Terms *****
Free subscription is required. Over 2500 cross-referenced entries.
- SmartMoney Financial Glossary
Searchable serious glossary from serious site.
- The Money World A-Z Glossary of Financial Terms
"Forget the mumbo jumbo of financial jargon- here's the A-Z to what's what!". "Mumbo jumbo" design, detailed explanation.
- The Numa Dictionary of Derivatives Acronyms
"The FAST FOX SAFEly LEAPS over CHAPS with CHIPS on SWINGS but will DIE and ROT to the ECHO of the buddhist OM. Understood all that? If not, refer below!". One-page dictionary (but the page is quite big and thus slow).
- Yahoo! Financial Glossary *****
Cross-referenced, nicely organized, but why without search box?
- Glossary of General Insurance Terms *****
"From "Annuitant" to "Z Table," our glossary explains many bewildering insurance terms." Neat collection of glossaries: Annuity Terms , Auto Insurance, General Insurance Terms , Health Insurance , Legal Terms , plus...
- Glossary of Insurance Terms (Morris & Reinolds)
"...M&R assume no responsibility for the information contained in the glossary" So try it at Your own risk, no hope for compensation.
- Glossary of Life Insurance and Financial Terms
Beaton Insurance Services. Detailed definitions.
- Insurance and Financial Planning *****
Ascetic HTML, great content
- Rupp's Insurance + Risk Management Glossary *****
Searchable excellent glossary will soon go commercial (and leave internet). Quick site, detailed definitions.
Futures and Options
Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology from "The Center Online". In several languages. English version is here
Investor words *****
Over 5000 terms, with links between related terms. Many awards.
Investopedia *****
Truly justifies the name of the site.Searchable + term categories.The site itself is focused on investment-related "terms".
Invest-o-rama Glossary *****
Searchable and alphabetized. Would be the best in the category if not for these banners and commercial design... Offers a lot of other reference resources.
Smart Glossary *****
Excellent exhaustive resource.
- Labor-Management Relations
US Office of Personnel Management .
- Project Management Glossary
"Consult this compendium of essential terms submitted by knowledgeable project managers from all over"
- Wideman Project management Glossary *****
Wideman Corporate Glossary of Project Management Terms.
- Monash University Marketing Dictionary *****
" a comprehensive glossary of marketing terms written by one of the Department of Marketing's favorite lecturers, Don Bradmore. You should find most, if not all, of the marketing related terms you will need throughout this subject... "
- Marketing Communications Glossary
Excellent site search tools.
- Marketing Manager's Plain English Internet Glossary @
"Web and Web design terms from the marketing manager's point of view. A useful business reference for everything from 'hit' to 'browser wars.'"
- Home Advisor Glossary
Excellently organized, authoritative, slow glossary from
- Yahoo Real Estate Glossary *****
Yahoo could make it much better...
- Glossary of International Trade Terms *****
Quite a big glossary from Buyer's Guide Com
- Glossary of Retailing @
A handy dictionary and glossary of terms used in the retail industry and retail electronic commerce.
Transportation, Logistics (Shipping and Sailing)
- Commercial Carrier Journal *****
Provides links to a bunch of specialized glossaries:
- Logistics Institute Glossary
Georgia Institute of Technology.
Sailing and Shipping
- Glossary of Maritime Law Abbreviations, Definitions, Terms, etc.
- Glossary of Maritime Terms
- Glossary of Nautical Terms
- Glossary of Shipping Terms
- Maritime Glossary (American Transportation Institute)
- Nautical Nomenclature
- eCompany Dictionary*****
E-commerce glossary. Exhaustive but slow.
- e-Commerce Glossary
Very simple design and clear interlinked definitions
- Electronic Commerce Terms*****
Nicely organized e-version of paper dictionary. Not too big, but may be of use.
- Encyclopedia of the New Economy @
Economics of the world and its web
- Glossary of e-Commerce Terms
Oregon Innovation Center.
- Glossary of Retailing @
A handy dictionary and glossary of terms used in the retail industry and retail electronic commerce.
- Marketing Manager's Plain English Internet Glossary @*****
Web and Web design terms from the marketing manager's point of view. A useful business reference for everything from 'hit' to 'browser wars.'
- Insolvency Terms
Canadian Insolvency terms from "Sands & Associates"
- Office of Thrift Supervision Glossary *****
Thrift regulatory terms, thrift industry terms, housing and building, investment and securities by Paul H. Lockwood, Office of Thrift Supervision
- Definitions of Company Extensions around the World *****
Has no analogue online
- Dictionary of Occupational Titles *****
US Dept. of Labor (20.000 listing), downloadable, searchable.
- Glossary of Schemes and terms
Also an integral part of business
- Standard Industrial Classifications Index @
The SIC Index was supplied by the National Technical Information Service and the pages are sponsored by ITA, makers of immigration software. Huge.
A Lexical Database for the English Language - the quickest. No banners.Search word: |